8 years ago today, we were in the delivery room
Mommy was feeling the pain but it was okay
We couldn't wait to see our baby girl
We couldn't wait to hold you.
8 years ago today, our heart were racing in fear
Your heartbeat stopped as we look at the monitor
Your umbilical cord wrapped around your neck
So they all took Mommy in the C-Section room.
8 years ago today, God blessed the Doctor and the nurses.
God helped them save you from death
We finally heard your first cry
I thank God everyday for saving you that day.
8 years ago today, I am blessed to have a daughter like you
Life is wonderful with you with us my dearest one
Your wits, your smile, and everything that God gave you
It makes life a bliss with you around.
8 years ago today, I am blessed to have a daughter like you
Life is wonderful with you with us my dearest one
Your wits, your smile, and everything that God gave you
It makes life a bliss with you around.
8 years ago today, we feel so blessed
No amount of wealth could surpass that joy you bring
Mommy and Daddy will be grateful each day
That we have you, baby.
8 years ago today, I became a mother
You changed me into a whole new person
You made me realized that motherhood is a gift
A gift that is full of laughter and joy.
8 years ago today, you make our lives complete
You filled our home with pride and joy
You bring so much happiness
that any one could wish
8 years ago today, you filled our hearts with so much love
You will always be our Baby Love, our one and only princess
You and your brother are our precious gems,
the King and Queen of our Hearts!
~ Mom ~
No amount of wealth could surpass that joy you bring
Mommy and Daddy will be grateful each day
That we have you, baby.
8 years ago today, I became a mother
You changed me into a whole new person
You made me realized that motherhood is a gift
A gift that is full of laughter and joy.
8 years ago today, you make our lives complete
You filled our home with pride and joy
You bring so much happiness
that any one could wish
8 years ago today, you filled our hearts with so much love
You will always be our Baby Love, our one and only princess
You and your brother are our precious gems,
the King and Queen of our Hearts!
~ Mom ~
Happy Birthday!

We love you very much Baby Love!
-Mom, Dad, and EJ-