I received a couple of books full of lessons for kids and adults alike from Wisdom Tales. I love partnering with companies like Wisdom Tales that gives opportunities for parents like me to have a copy of their newly published/released books. Wisdom Tales books are not just ordinary books, they contain beautiful stories full of life-learning-lessons both for kids and adults.
I have two kids and sometimes, even though I teach them how to share all the time, there are still instances that they wouldn't especially if it involve their favorite toys or things. So the story of "The Olive Tree" is perfect to remind them once again how nice it is to share things not only with your family but with other people as well. The award winning illustrator, Claire Ewart included beautiful paintings on this book. This books contains a story of two children who are learning to share and work together by looking past their differences. This book will be published in November 2014, these are just the first copies. This book definitely teaches children and even adults a lesson about how compassion and understanding lie at the heart of all friendship. I highly recommend this book if you are looking for something for your kids to read. This is suitable for kids ages 5 and up.
Summer is ending and Fall will be here soon. Big holidays are just around the corner and with that being said, this book "The Dreidel That Wouldn't Spin" would be a perfect book to get and read with your kids as you snuggle up with them during the cold season. If you celebrate Hannukah holiday, then this book is just perfect as it explains the meaning of the Hannukah holiday and the story revolves around it.
Whenever I let my kids read a book, my first question after they read is "What lesson did you learn". My daughter has a long explanation about this book which I wished I could have captured in video. This book tells a very strong message that when you believe, things and miracles still happens even at a very unexpected ways. For those of you who have bookworm kids, this is another book I would recommend to get. It's a beautiful story full of lessons to learn for young minds. Thank you so much once again Wisdom Tales!
Disclaimer: The author of this blog was NOT financially compensated to write this review. Opinions expressed is not in anyway influenced by other factors. The product/s mentioned above was provided for FREE for evaluation purposes.