It was more for the small kids than for the big kids. The little ones are so cute in their outfits. Some dressed as doctors, dentists, teacher, and many other professions. Below is my son with her classmate who wants to be a policeman and cake decorator.
My daughter did not really dressed up but she did some sketches and brought it in class as she represents an Interior Designer. I took photos of the kids with my phone but unfortunately, the internet connection in my phone is acting up so I can't upload the photo on this post.

On that the same day, I took my son to the doctor because he kept complaining about a pain in his waist. I ignored it for a couple of weeks because he always complains when it's time to go to school but since he was complaining a lot already, I thought of having him checked. The doctor performed some tests and even had an XRAY to make sure but did not find anything wrong. She came to a conclusion which is the same as mine, my little guy is stressed of going to school everyday.
Now that everything was checked out, he is not saying that his waist is hurting which is good because I got worried there for a while. I am glad though that I brought him to the doctor, I don't want to second -guess and find out later that he has something seriously wrong on him. Glad it turned out okay.